Podemos Educação has already offered more than 147 courses on our platforms, educating politicians and citizens to build up a better nation.
And all of this was made with the collaboration of researchers and professors who graduated from the BEST educational institutions in Brazil, such as FGV, USP, UNICAMP, UNESP, UFABC, UFPI, and others.
We have become a reference among political party foundations thanks to the high-standards of our scientific publications.
We support and prepare Brazilian political leaders. Our organization provides Brazilian society and Podemos, one of Brazil’s main political parties, with policy guidelines by acting as a hub for research and studies.
Our primary focus is political training. We offer didactic and modern courses designed and taught by our country’s top-rated experts, which can be carried out remotely and face-to-face. We also promote workshops, events, and other exclusive experiences concerning our society’s most current topics, such as environment, gender, inequality and democracy.
We put knowledge and technology together, bringing political education to all citizens.
We can change Brazil; we are made up of people who seek to inspire other people by fomenting ideas and actions that are accessible to all Brazilians.
Our goal is to raise the bar of Brazilian politics through education as we consolidate Podemos as an alternative to polarization as well as the best political platform in the country.
We can transform public administration by putting qualified politics and solid values together.
We believe public policies should always be based on data, evidence, facts and technical studies.
Along with Podemos Educação, our think tank democratizes knowledge by designing public policies and making Brazilian citizens more and more qualified.
COPYRIGHT 2025 © FUNDAÇÃO JUNTOS PODEMOS – Fundacao Trabalhista Nacional – FTN – CNPJ: 13.459.869/0001-40 . TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS.